Style Stalker: The Chambray

My mum has four chambray shirts and of those four, she lives in three. As for me, it took a long, long time to convince me to buy one (remember me, whole old habits, hates change? Yeah. Hello).

First of all, I didn’t want one with studs or sequins or multi-wash because I wanted a style that would last forever.Then my issue was price. A good chambray – the type where the jean material is a little stretchy, a little lived in, a little soft, doesn’t come cheap. You could always go to Big W or Target but the quality is going to be evident in the price. So, I waited and deliberated and eventually found the one.

chambray one

This is basically what I wear to university. Swap out my huge uni tote for a cross body bag and I can head out of my house and go straight to dinner or a movie with friends. I probably wouldn’t wear a hat to uni but there’s always Saturday markets or brunch and a wide brim goes perfectly with that!

chambray two

I respect my bank account (mostly) so these Miu Miu glasses included in this set are purely a lust-after but still, the theme is there. A chambray and leather. Hellllllo winter uniform! Flats are always a good choice with some thick tights if it’s chilly and a huge scarf to burrow in.

Hey, if Sydney isn’t going to do nice things like snow the least it can do is give me crisp, sunny days.

chambray three

My “is anybody fooled that I’m an adult?” outfit. Yeah, probably not. Still, tote and black trousers are a staple. If you’re working in a creative environment like media, news or even some more laid-back offices, something like this is acceptable.

Click the thumbnails under the sets for product information and if you’re stuck, or you know, can’t afford Louboutins (!) consider similar styles but different products.

Hope you’re having a lovely week,

Cya sweets!